I recently started classes at Wichita State University to try and learn new concepts for visual/studio art. so far i am very impressed and eager to learn more. Everyday I learn something new and our instructor pushes us to exceed. Right now we are going into drawing lines: horizontal, verticle, curves, circles, as parallel, ninty degree and diagonal. Sounds simple enough, but the idea behind the exercise is to really see how these line can work together: symetrical, Asymetrical, fields, planes, composition etc. Its amazing how 10 little lines in a 2x2 box can really show you.
Pretty interesting what you pass by everyday and don't relize how much time was spent on design.
The other exercise is to draw something using the different lines structures that we have been using over the pass couple of days so I tried something that I am familiar with and came up with a very interesting concept drawing.
The instructor had a few suggestions to try with this concept. Again, she really wants us to push our limits which is wonderful. Can't wat to see what we are doing tomorrow.
If you want to try this exercise to see what you can get out of it and to help with design, first get some tracing paper, a T square, ruler, squares, compass, circle templates and a pump pencil. Draw 16 squares, 2x2, in rows of four making 16 squares. start the first row with your horizontal lines, 10 to a box, 4 boxes. Draw different grouping and patterns of parallel lines. next row start your verticle parallel lines doing the same thing with grouping. the third line begins with your ninty degree lines with verticle and horizontal 2 boxes and then ninty degree diagonal lines in the last two. repeat this on the last line.
next page do a row of line segments, where the line starts and stops wthin the box. Next row draw lines that change direction within the box. Next row, curves that don't cross eachother and curves that cross do, 2 each.
Next page start your circle patterns. Again 2 that do not cross over the other radius and two that do.
With the remaining rows pick which patter to use in each box but this time draw them with lines of different thickness.
After you are done with these draw a 5x5 box and mix the patterns together to draw a picture using the dfferent techniques. As always enjoy what you are doing and have fun.
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