Monday, July 2, 2012

final foundation design entry begining of Art Survey

throughout the month of June, the class of foundation and design helped me recognize the usefulness of graphic design on the computer. I had no intention of ever really looking deeply into this area of art but after the class was over, I will admit, that I can see the value of such programs. This class also helped me see other areas of forming art that I lacked such as asymmetrical design and constructing values outside my norm practices of representational themes. It gave me insite of valueable techniques in which I have never used, or were unaware of, such as the dominations of light and dark within work pieces. I am very curious as to how these things will change they way I see art or formulate ideas for future pieces of my own.
Now that I am in art Survey for the month of July, it will be interesting to see how the foundation class transpires the analysis of work I do for this class.

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