Thursday, June 21, 2012

positive space, white space

Positive space- white or light within the art
Negative space- black or dark within the art

White space-It is that portion of a page left unmarked: the space between graphics, margins, gutters, space between columns, space between lines of type or figures and objects drawn or depicted

plane, shape, mass

 Plane-a picture plane is the canvas or piece of paper you're painting or drawing on. It's a term used most often in the context of perspective in a painting.
Shape-an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are defined by other elements of art: lines, colors, values, textures, etc.).

Mass-the outside size or shape of an object, or how big it appears to be

foreground, background, form

Foreground-the ground or parts situated, or represented as situated, in the front; the portion of a scene nearest to the viewer
Background-the plane or ground in a picture upon which all other planes or forms appear superimposed

Form-is an element of art. At its most basic, a form is a three-dimensional geometrical figure (i.e.: sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, etc.), as opposed to a shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat

perspective, 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional

Perspective-Perspective is the technique used to represent a three-dimensional world (what we see) on a two-dimensional surface (a piece of paper or canvas) in a way that looks realistic and accurate, as we see it in nature
2 dimensional- Having its elements organized in terms of a flat surface, especially emphasizing the vertical and horizontal character of the picture plane

3 dimensional-occupying or giving the illusion of three dimensions (height, width, depth).

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

rhythm and dominance

Rhythm- A particular form that has repetition. It suggests motion within the field

Dominance- something that stands out from the rest of the subject in the art: Color, objects etc.

                                              Example of rhythm and Dominance 

Grouping and symmetry

Grouping- the putting together of units within the field to create a desired affect

Symmetry- when there is a feeling of balance within the field.

                                          Example of grouping and symmetry